Building Precedents painting by artist Martina Shapiro
"Building Precedents", original oil on canvas painting, 24x30"
Artist Martina Shapiro's painting "Building Precedents" was commissioned by the
Canadian College of Construction Lawyers which was presented to The Right Honorable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.
The inscription on the plaque on the frame of the painting reads: "Presented to the Supreme Court of Canada, in appreciation of the keynote address of the Right Honorable Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin PC to the First Joint Conference of the American/Canadian Colleges of Construction Lawyers, Coral Gables, Florida - February 2004."

All of Martina Shapiro's paintings as well as the photographs of her paintings are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transfer, transmission or exploitation of any of the content, whether in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Martina Shapiro is prohibited. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Martina Shapiro 2004